Thursday, 20 August 2015

Book Review: S.O.A.R – Success Over Adversity Reigns By Abir Mukherjee

Author: Abir Mukherjee

Publisher: Leadstart Publishing Pvt. Ltd.

Price: Rs. 125.


Frustated with their current jobs, Uday, Adhyayan and Rajasekaran team u to start an innovative business, non-existent in India until then. Ignoring all pragmatic aspects of life, they chase their dreams with immense pleasure. However, their journey is no cake walk, as they confront financial crisis and rejections soon. Uday plays a business trick to triumph over that uninfluenced market; it works initially, but soon boomerangs, blowing the team apart. The police arrests Uday accusing him of illegal activity by his organization.

Were there any blemishes in their plan or was it just a typical Indian market, reluctant to accept an un-experimented concept? Will they be successful in implementing their innovation, staking their hard-earned money, stable jobs, relationships and life?

S.O.A.R is the story of chasing a dream, quandary between desire and responsibility, friendship and love.

Join the gutsy journey of these entrepreneurs.

The story- as I could comprehend it-

Adyayan, Uday and Rajasekaran work for the same I.T organization.

Uday is a single guy and has a sick mother staying at his native place. His heart is burdened with a great secret which he never choses to share. He wants to prove himself as a business man. Adhyayan is married to Shristi. He does not find time out if his busy schedule for Shristi and that’s one of the reasons why their relationship is heading towards a failure. Rajasekaran is a simple guy. He falls in love with Sneha but is not courageous enough to confess his love for Sneha to his parents.
Life had been normal for all three until that black day dawns.

Kevin Systrom, the founder of Instagram says
‘If you have got an idea, start today. There’s no better time than now to get going. That does not mean quit your job and jump into your idea 100% from day one, but there’s always small progress that can be made to start the movement.’

Uday’s mind is lit up with an idea of an online business. He shares it with Adhyayan who also foresees a bright future. They take Rajasekaran on board and also hire a few college students and march on their business journey. Managing their business after office hours becomes difficult. Hence, all three quit their stable jobs one after another. They do this so as to devote their 100% attention to their dream project.

Life is not always a bed of roses. They face financial crisis. To overcome it, Adhyayan invests all his savings in their business and saves it from falling apart. Uday, too, sells off his ancestral property (after a lot of emotional melodrama by his mother) and manages to arrange some funds. Their business takes another shape. They are happy that their business is doing well.

And one fine day, it happens. The black day dawns bringing darkness in everybody’s lives. Adhyayan loses his baby and he attributes it to karma. A fight breaks out between the three and Adhyayan walks out on business and moves abroad.

One day, after almost one long year, Adhyayan receives a voice message from Rajasekaran that Uday has been arrested. Without wasting time, Adhyayan packs his bags to come to India to help his friend.

Why is Uday arrested?

Is Shristi fine with Adhyayan returning to India? Does she not have problems with it cause he never gave in to her requests of returning back to her?

How has Uday’s , Adhyayan’s and Rajasekaran’s life changed over this one year?

Will their friendship that had received a blow sometime ago, blossom into a stronger one now?

Read S.O.A.R! This is surely going to give you an exciting and enthralling read.

I come from an I.T background and hence, could relate to most of the incidents in this story. I had an excellent time reading it.

I rate:
Cover: 3.5/5
Story: 4/5
Characters: 4/5

My overall rating for this book is 4/5.

You can buy this book online by clicking on this link.

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